do it yourself digital marketing

3 tips for DIY digital marketing

What you need to know about do it yourself digital marketing

Do it yourself digital marketing might seem like an affordable solution for your business.  After all, almost anyone can run a Facebook ad, right? Plus, Facebook makes it super easy with that little blue Boost button! Bring on the DIY Facebook ads!

That might make it look easy, but consider that almost anyone can fix a leaking tap… it doesn’t make them a plumber.  Regardless of how well your marketing is created, there is so much more to digital marketing than running an ad and hoping for some sales or leads.

Here are three of the most important aspects of digital marketing, that will take you from ad-verage to ad-mazing! (Sorry, we couldn’t help ourselves!)

Who do you target in an ad?

Why is your audience so important when it comes to digital marketing? 

Brand awareness is everything when it comes to digital advertising.  Your audience needs to know who you are and how fabulous your product or service is.

Digital advertising often sits right at the top of your marketing funnel, so it’s important to define who your audience is and target appropriately.

Let’s say you run a nail salon in a metropolitan shopping centre.  Your ideal audience is women, 18-65 and local to the area.  If you target females between 35-45, within a 100 miles (50km) radius of your shop, then your targeting is off.

Why? Firstly, you have limited your targeting to a tighter age group, therefore missing anyone between 18-35 and over 45.

On top of that, you are spreading your message into an area that is beyond your catchment.  It’s unlikely someone is going to drive 100 miles to have their nails done (unless you are in a very rural area).

Your targeting would be more effective for females between 18-65, within 10-15km of your area, or even your local town or postcode.

Once your ads are running, you’ll want to visit your advertising data.  Those statistics tell you who is engaging, how frequently, and how many clicks are converting to sales.  This will also help to show you which age groups are interacting with your ad, and you can refine your ad targeting, copy and creative to reach more people.

What’s your strategy?

Digital Marketing without a strategy is a sure-fire way to waste your money! 

Marketing without a strategy is like packing the car full of camping gear, pulling out of the driveway and then realising you didn’t look at map or choose a destination.  You can run numerous ads, but unless those ads follow a clearly laid path they’ll fall flat.

Is your aim to build brand awareness?  Or are you running a campaign to improve sales and revenue?

When you know what the purpose of your marketing is, you can choose the most appropriate platforms to use.  Identify your traffic sources and whether your audience is hot or cold.  For instance, an active Google search with your keywords means the audience is hot for a product like yours.  A paid Facebook ad might generate interest, but you don’t know if that audience is ready to purchase.

How is your website performing?

This could be the barrier you were not aware of! 

Ideally, someone will click on your ad, land on your website and make a purchase or submit an enquiry.

But what if your website isn’t working its magic? What if they can’t find the product or work out where to submit an enquiry? Or worse still, they are unable to complete their action, because the website is broken?

Your website needs to be easy to use, visually appealing, and informative.  When you’ve nailed those three factors, your customers will have a much clearer idea of who you are, what you’re offering, and what your values are.

If your website doesn’t live up to expectations, then it doesn’t matter how many ad clicks you get… they won’t convert.

So much to think about!

If all of this seems like a lot… it’s because it can be.  This doesn’t mean you can’t go it alone, but it might be worth considering how to best spend your time.

You got into your business because of a passion or skill.  If all of your energy is spent trying to navigate your marketing, then you have less time to spend on other parts of your business.  And if you’ve been throwing a lot of money into marketing without results, then that’s a lot of money wasted.

Sometimes, it’s worth investing in expert advice – because you can save time, save money in the long-run, and you’re far more likely to get positive results.

We’ll support you through every single step of your marketing, whether it be a website audit, our tailored Marketing Readiness Plan, or marketing coaching.

If you’re ready to take the next step and enjoy all the juicy results that follow, Book a Free Discovery Call now.