woman on couch on phone

The past few months have been unprecedented, we all know that. Seeing so many small businesses put on pause, or worse, close down has been heartbreaking.  COVID-19 has changed the business landscape,  forever. One thing that has come out of it though, is the importance of communications.  Many business owners have finally realised that communications are vital to their small business and it’s success.

If you own or manage a business, you cannot afford to overlook the importance of communications.

Here at Lemon and Lime Digital, where our business is all about communications, we initially saw a huge loss of business as clients saw the need to cut costs straight away.  But almost everyone of them were back within four weeks, as they realised communications were now more important than ever.   And over the past couple of weeks we have steadily seen an increase in enquiries as small business owners are seeing the value of communications, whether it be through their competitors having a strong social media presences, their customers asking to be kept up to date with openings and opportunities via email or their websites not having enough information.

Does this sound like your business? 

Let us tell you a few reasons why your business should look closely at your communications.

People need to know who you are

Do you remember that company that used to provide that service that you could really do with now?  No?  Well that could be a question your customers are asking their friends or relatives right now.  If you keep your business active on social media and through other mediums such as newsletters and blogs, you will ensure you remain front and centre.

Survival of the fittest

Margins may be tighter, revenues may be lower and it may be even more difficult to remain upbeat.  However, when this is all over, the small businesses who continued with communications (or began), kept their brand/ product/ service in the eye of their customer and ensured their brand was visible with consistency will already have a leg up on their opposition…. And trust us, that head start could mean the difference between a quick recovery or a long, drawn out decline.

The time to build trust is now

With a lot of uncertainty in the world, trust in a brand has become even more important than ever.   Many of your customers are likely to be watching how and where they spend their money and are ensuring that when they do spend it is with a company that they can rely on for good service or products.   Through the use of social media and other forms of communication, there is an opportunity to illustrate the reasons why a customer would trust you enough to spend money with you.

“It takes a long time to build trust, but only a second to lose it”

So after all of this, what have you taken away?  In a nutshell, communicating with your customer base is more important than ever!  Contact us to discuss how we can help with communications for your small business to ensure your message and brand is out there for all to see.