how to drive more sales for your business

How to drive more sales for your business.

Wondering how to drive more sales for your business?

You want your prospective customers to come running to you – ready to buy and enthusiastic about your product or service!

That’s great for the Google users out there, who expect that their search results will be closely related to the item they’ve been searching for.

But what about those who aren’t quite at the buying stage?  The ones who will take an interest in your product or service, but haven’t yet realised just how much they need it?

For those people, social media is the way to go, as they will take a leisurely scroll through their feeds and come across your ads and/or posts!

A campaign that incorporates both types of advertising means you can cash in on the customers who intend to buy now, and nurture those who likely will in the future.

Hot and High Intent

People who search on Google already know what they’re looking for.  This is why we call them your “Hot and High Intent” customers!

If your Google Ad keywords match those of your potential customer, there’s a very good chance that this person is going to be your next enquiry.

This is even more likely if the relevance of your ad is a close match for their search, and better still if their user experience is positive.

Google rewards advertisers based on relevance, user experience and ad quality, so you don’t necessarily need to spend a fortune on advertising to convert your hot leads.  You simply need a strategic, organised and effective campaign.

High-intent customers can be more accurately targeted using the appropriate demographics in Google Ads Manager, especially those close to your location if you’re a bricks-and-mortar business.  When correct demographics are used, you are able to maximise sales as you can bet the correct “type” of customers will be finding you!

Cold and Low Intent

Facebook and other social media is focused on brand outreach as well as leads and sales.  However, it is considered to be cold and low intent traffic.  People on Facebook didn’t necessarily find you.  Your ads found them. While the hot and high intent traffic from Google (or other search engines like YouTube) is all about converting leads to customers, Facebook helps new customers to find you through a powerful ad targeting system.

With more focus on your customers’ behavioural and interest patterns, paid social media advertising is a great way to slip seamlessly into the feed of people who match your ideal market.

Like Google, Facebook has a global audience, and over 1.55 billion of that audience are regularly active on the platform. Think of your reach!

One of the benefits of Facebook advertising is its visual nature.  You can create a compelling ad that includes graphics or video, and that is far more enticing than a plain old Google text search.

Directing your traffic

When it comes to directing your traffic, you want the best of both worlds.

Google is going to send you loyal customers who are ready and excited for what you’re offering them.

Facebook is going to leverage those searches, popping your business directly in front of your ideal market as they scroll on their phones.

Who’s to say that late-night twiddling of thumbs won’t result in a lightbulb moment?

“Oh,” they’ll say. “I was looking for that!”

Running a campaign that uses both Google and Facebook will help to maximise your visibility, leads and sales.  The best part?  Anyone that visits your website after finding you in Google will automatically be swept up in our remarketing campaign that is happening simultaneously on Facebook!   Have you ever wondered why you see those shoes in your Facebook feed after Googling them?

You’ll be able to sell to those who are ready, and introduce yourself to those who will become your future customers.

Ready to drive more sales for your business?

Our campaigns are built around your target market and business goals.

If you’re ready to partner with an agency that understands the ins and outs of digital marketing, reach out to us at Lemon and Lime Digital.

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